Senin, 30 Mei 2011


                                          Harau Valley is a tourist attraction in WestSumatra, his right in fifty districts of the city. And of Payakumbuh path about ½ hour. Sightseeing in the valley this Harau form steepcliffs and there are 2 other tourist areas namely Sarasah Bunta and Aka Barayun (Rootswing-red). In Sarasah Bunta there are 5 fruit waterfalls and swinging only 1 Akawaterfall.
                                          Harau waterfall valley is very clear and cold, and there is also a small fish. For waterfallswinging Aka had a pool so swimming so much better. While the shelter Bunta Sarasahunspoiled waterfall waterfall that play so much fun. 
   If you feel bored with waterfalls should choose a location to Aka Beryaun because there is more complete and there also has been equipped by the cottage /resort.  Also in the area are also available Aka Swings of this gig is a Minangkabau traditional means of transportation in Jakarta if his gig. And also can be found a small zoo and also can visit the butterfly breeding. And more fun again there disediain accessthe climbers without the tools to climb the stairs to the cliff top, so they can see the views of the entire valley Harau.

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Pola active dan passive voice pada tiap tensis

aJika active voice dalam simple present tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah is, am atau are.

  • Active    : He meets them everyday.
  • Passive  : They are met by him everyday.
  • Active    : She waters this plant every two days.
  • Passive  : This plant is watered by her every two days.
b. Jika active voice dalam simple past tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah was atauwere
  • Active    : He met them yesterday
  • Passive  : They were met by him yesterday
  • Active    : She watered this plant this morning
  • Passive  : This plant was watered by her this morning
c. Jika active voice dalam present perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah beenyang diletakkan setelah auxiliary has atau have, sehingga menjadi ‘has been’ atau ‘have been’
  • Active    : He has met them
  • Passive  : They have been met by him
  • Active    : She has watered this plant for 5 minutes.
  • Passive  : This plant has been watered by her for 5 minutes.

d. Jika active voice dalam past perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah beenyang diletakkan setelah auxiliary had, sehingga menjadi had been
  • Active    : He had met them before I came.
  • Passive  : They had been met by him before I came.
  • Active    : She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
  • Passive  : This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here
e. Jika active voice dalam simple future tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah be
  • Active    : He will meet them tomorrow.
  • Passive  : They will be met by him tomorrow.
  • Active    : She will water this plant this afternoon.
  • Passive  : This plant will be watered by her this afternoon.
  • Active    : The farmers are going to harvest the crops next week
  • Passive  : The crops are going to be harvested by the farmers next week.
f. Jika active voice dalam future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah beenyang diletakkan setelah auxiliary will have, sehingga menjadi ‘will have been’
  • Active    : He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.
  • Passive  : They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.
  • Active   : She will have watered this plant before I get here this afternoon.
  • Passive  : This plant will have been watered by her before I get here this afternoon.
g. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalahbeen yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary would have, sehingga menjadi ‘would have been’.
  • Active    : He would have met them.
  • Passive  : They would have been met by him.
  • Active    : She would have watered this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant would have been watered by her.
h. Jika active voice dalam present continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (is, am atau are) + being.
  • Active    : He is meeting them now.
  • Passive  : They are being met by him now.
  • Active    : She is watering this plant now.
  • Passive  : This plant is being watered by her now.

i. Jika active voice dalam past continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (wasatau were) + being.
  • Active    : He was meeting them.
  • Passive  : They were being met by him.
  • Active    : She was watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant was being watered by her.
j. Jika active voice dalam perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (has/have) been + being.
  • Active    : He has been meeting them.
  • Passive  : They have been being met by him.
  • Active    : She has been watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant has been being watered by her.
k. Jika active voice dalam past perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah had been + being.
  • Active    : He had been meeting them.
  • Passive  : They had been being met by him.
  • Active    : She had been watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant had been being watered by her.
l. Jika active voice dalam future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalahwill be + being.
  • Active    : He will be meeting them.
  • Passive  : They will be being met by him.
  • Active    : She will be watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant will be being watered by her.
m. Jika active voice dalam past future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would be + being.
  • Active    : He would be meeting them.
  • Passive  : They would be being met by him.
  • Active    : She would be watering this plant.
  • Passive   : This plant would be being watered by her.
n. Jika active voice dalam future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will have been + being.
  • Active    : He will have been meeting them.
  • Passive  : They will have been being met by him.
  • Active    : She will have been watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant will have been being watered by her.
o. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would have been + being.
  • Active    : He would be meeting them.
  • Passive  : They would be being met by him.
  • Active    : She would be watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant would be being watered by her.




Komodo island is very famous around the world. Recently, it’s been a participant of the New 7 Wonders of the world contest. Located in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Komodo Island attracts people to come and see the life of the biggest lizards living on earth today. Although it’s a bit dangerous to encounter these creatures, some people feel that their lives are incomplete without having visited this island. This island is also the Komodo National Park which is managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island to the west of Sumbawa Island, separated by Sape Strait. Administratively, this island including the District of Komodo, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Komodo Island is the most western tip of Nusa Tenggara Timur province, bordering the province of West Nusa Tenggara. Komodo Island is one of the 17,508 islands that make up the Republic of Indonesia. The island has a surface area of 390 km² and over 2000 inhabitants.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Apple Pie

Snacks are not just crispy potato chips, sweet candies, or fresh fruit. Pies are also delicious snacks. Many people love pies.There are two kinds of pies : meat pies and fruit pies. Meat pies are made of beef or chicken. Fruit pies are sometimes made apples or pumpkins.
Pies are especially popular in north America. Many people there can make pies. They serve meat pies hot. They eat fruit pies hot or cold. Americans usually have pies with ice cream.  

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011


1.      Tipe I (present/future-true condition)
Tipe yang pertama digunakan dalam kalimat yang kejadiannya terjadi pada rentang waktu kini (present) hingga masa depan (future). Dalam tipe pertama ini, kalimat ini mungkin saja benar jika syaratnya terpenuhi. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
Auldrey is on a book store to buy an English book. There, he finds the latest edition of his favorite comic books. He really wants to buy that comic book, but he doesn’t know whether his money is enough to buy the English book and that comic book or not. Hence, he says this to herself:
I will buy that comic book if I have enough money.
Dari kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan jika nanti ternyata uang Auldrey cukup untuk membeli buku Bahasa Inggris dan komik, maka ia akan membeli komiknya. Akan tetapi, jika uangnya tidak cukup, dia tidak akan membeli komik itu. Jadi, kalimat ini bisa menjadi benar jika uang Auldrey cukup.
1.      Tipe II (present-untrue condition)
Tipe kedua ini juga memiliki rentang waktu masa kini dan masa depan sebagaimana tipe pertama. Yang membedakan tipe ini dengan yang pertama adalah kalimat ini digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian. Kenyataan yang terjadi berlawanan dengan result clause kalimat ini. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
After buying the book that Cathy’s mother asked her to buy, she finds her favorite novel that he really wants to buy. However, she doesn’t have enough money. Regretfully, she said this to herself:
If I had enough money, I would buy that novel.
Kesimpulan dari kalimat tersebut adalah Cathy tidak memiliki uang yang cukup sehingga ia tidak bisa membeli novel tersebut. Jika saja uangnya cukup, Cathy pasti akan membeli novel itu, tetapi kenyataannya uangnya tidak cukup.
1.      Tipe III (past-untrue condition)
Tipe yang ketiga adalah untuk kejadian di waktu lampau, dan kejadiannya berlawanan dengan yang terdapat di kalimatnya. Atau, bisa dikatakan tipe ketiga digunakan untuk kejadian yang sudah terlanjur terjadi dan tak mungkin berubah lagi. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
If I had had enough money, I would have bought that comic book.
 (Kenyataannya uangnya tidak cukup sehingga komiknya tidak dibeli)